Forgot Sinusbot Password?
Forgot Sinusbot Password?

If you forget the password for your Sinusbot, it’s frustrating but not a big deal. You can easily reset it to a new password with just a few steps. Here’s how to successfully reset your password.

If you haven’t forgotten the password and just want to change it, go directly to the Password Reset page.

Activate Override Mode

Connect via SSH

First, you need to log in to your server via SSH. Once logged in, navigate to the Sinusbot directory. Usually, this is /opt/sinusbot.

Stop Running Instances

Next, you need to stop all running Sinusbot instances. We’ll use a method to stop all processes named „sinusbot“:

pkill -f ".sinusbot"

Log in as Sinusbot User

To start the Sinusbot, you need a separate user, usually named sinusbot. Log in as this user in your SSH console.

Use the following command, replacing „sinusbot“ with the username you chose during installation if needed:

su sinusbot

Start Rescue Mode

Now that you are logged in as the Sinusbot user, you can start the Sinusbot in password override mode. Warning: This mode is only for resetting the password and is not secure for general use. It overrides the admin password for the current session.

Use the following command to start the PW Reset mode:

./sinusbot -override-password=temppassword123
Sinusbot in „Rescue Mode“
Sinusbot in „Rescue Mode“

The Sinusbot is now in Rescue Mode. Important: Keep the SSH session open; do not close it.

Open the Sinusbot web interface at Server-IP:8087 in your browser. You can log in with the user „admin“ and the temporary password „temppassword123“.

Reset Sinusbot Password

After logging into the web interface, you need to set a new password for the admin user. Navigate to „Settings“ > „User Accounts“ and click the „Edit“ icon next to the admin user. In the dialog that opens, set a new password for the admin user and save the changes.

Forgot Sinusbot Password?

You will be automatically logged out. Do not log in with the new details yet.

Go back to the SSH session and press CTRL+C to exit Rescue Mode. Then log out from the Sinusbot user and switch back to the root user.


You should now be logged in as the root user. Start the Sinusbot normally with:

service sinusbot start

Go back to your browser and refresh the page. Now log in with the new admin credentials. The username is „admin“ and the password is the one you just set. If you forget the password, start over.

Completed Sinusbot PW reset
Completed Sinusbot PW reset