First, you need to go into the DNS-settings of your domain to redirect the subdomain to another URL.

Click on „New Redirection“ (dt: „Neue Weiterleitung“)

In the form you enter your data as following:

NameyoutubeThe subdomain for the redirect
Destination entire URL must be entered completely
ProtocolFilled in automatically if URL is provided with protocol

Save the entry – then your redirect will get processed in the background.

Root-domain and wildcard-redirection

  • If you want to redirect to a root domain (without www. ) – just leave the name field empty
  • You can use „*“ as the name – if you want to redirect every subdomain. The root-domain won’t redirect with this step. You could also enter a new entry without a name.
New redirection
New redirection

Please notice that the changes can take up to 24 hours until it works properly.

Further information about the DNS-updates can be found here: Warum dauert ein DNS Update so lange?