Problem solution: Install Guest Agent on KVM server

It can happen that the Guest Agent was not installed correctly after setting up your server. This is responsible for the connection between your server and Vionity.

You can install the Guest Agent by logging into your server via SSH.

wget -qO /tmp/
/bin/bash /tmp/

Your server will now install the Guest Agent. After that you should be able to access the server via Vionity.

If you have problems, the server is not accessible via SSH or you do not feel up to the task, you can contact our support. We will take care of it for you as soon as possible.

What is the Guest Agent used for on a KVM server?

On a KVM server, the Guest Agent is used to collect data about the VMs running on the server. This data is then used to provide users with information about the status and performance of the VMs via the KVM server’s web interface.

The data that the Guest Agent collects can include information about CPU utilization, memory usage, network activity, and other important performance parameters. By making this information available through the web interface, KVM server users can monitor VM performance and detect problems early.