Search: windows installieren

Windows Server Quick Start
First steps with... (EN) · 14.09.2023

Get started with your Windows KVM server at Prepaid-Hoster. Follow our step-by-step guide to install and connect to your server using Remote Desktop. Contact our support if you need any assistance. #kstart#Windows KVM server, installation, Remote Desktop, Prepaid-Hoster#kende# #tstart#Windows KVM Server Installation and Remote Desktop Connection | Prepaid-Hoster#tende#

Windows server: No ping
Virtual Server (EN) · 24.01.2023

If you encounter an error on your Windows server indicating that it is unreachable, here are your options. Learn how to identify and troubleshoot the issue in this FAQ. Contact us if you have further questions.

How can I install Windows?
Virtual Server (EN) · 24.01.2023

Install Windows on a Virtual Server | Prepaid-Hoster FAQ

Windows hard disk expansion
Virtual Server (EN) · 25.01.2023

Learn how to expand the hard disk of your Windows Server step-by-step with our comprehensive guide. Find out how to create a new partition or append unallocated memory to your C:\ drive.

Windows Firewall – Open Port
Virtual Server (EN) · 25.01.2023

Learn how to share a specific port in Windows Firewall. Follow these easy steps to open a port for your Minecraft, TeamSpeak, Webserver, CS:GO Server, and more.

Using Windows RDP with Mac
Virtual Server (EN) · 25.01.2023

Connect to a Windows server via RDP using MacOS with the Microsoft Remote Desktop client. Install it on your MacOS desktop PC, iPad, or iPhone for convenient remote access.

Windows Remote Desktop: Create user
Virtual Server (EN) · 14.07.2022

Learn how to create a new user and activate Remote Desktop on your Windows Server. Follow our step-by-step guide to make it easy!

How do I activate Windows Server?
Virtual Server (EN) · 25.05.2023

Activate Windows Server and store license - step-by-step guide. Find out how to activate Windows Server with a license key and convert the evaluation version to standard using CMD.

My Windows license has expired, now what?
Virtual Server (EN) · 24.01.2023

We do not offer our own Windows licenses for our servers. You need to provide a valid Windows Server Standard license within 180 days after installation to avoid server shutdown.

Graphics rendering on Windows Server
Virtual Server (EN) · 07.04.2023

Play games on a Windows server under KVM? Learn why it's not possible and explore alternative solutions.

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