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How do I create a WinMTR log?
Dedicated Server (EN) · 23.01.2023

Track your server's ping and packet loss with WinMTR. Download the program and follow these simple steps to analyze any network problems.

What is Prepaid Hoster Pro?
General · 30.08.2023

Prepaid Hoster Pro: Affordable servers with new features #kstart#Prepaid Hoster Pro, affordable servers, new features, monthly subscription package, web interface, Linux Auto Update Manager, Linux Cronjob & Autostart Manager, statistics limit, backup limit, snapshot limit, customizable design, future features, generation upgrade, upgrade discount#kende# #tstart#Prepaid Hoster Pro: Affordable servers with new features#tende#

Install Java on vServer/Linux
Virtual Server (EN) · 24.01.2023

Install different Java versions (1.8, 16, 17, ...) on your virtual server easily and quickly. Our script automates the installation process in the /usr/lib folder.

How can I create a problem-report?
Gameserver (EN) · 23.01.2023

Learn how to create a snapshot of your Minecraft game server for faster support. Follow these steps to provide debugging logs to your support team.

Minecraft server will not start
Gameserver (EN) · 23.01.2023

Learn how to troubleshoot Minecraft server start-up errors. Check server logs for errors and try to understand and fix them. Change the Java version or send a problem-report to the support team.

Can I use Docker on my vServer?
Virtual Server (EN) · 24.01.2023

Docker is a container-based technology for creating Linux containers. Use Docker on all virtual servers from prepaid hosters, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

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